A demonstration of two IP phones on separate AREDN networks talking to each other with direct IP dialing.
If you plan on using PinpointAPRS with no Internet connection and want to be able to see your maps, I have a little undocumented tip for you. The map files are cached on your local computer!
Last weekend, Julie (KN6AOC) and I hiked up to the Mt Pinos summit, W6/CC-002 at sunset and made some contacts on VHF FM 146.520. Although our phones were indicating 5G coverage on Verizon there, we had no data service and couldn’t spot ourselves. And also unfortunately, none of our contacts had any previous experience with SOTA’s and didn’t know how to spot us. But despite those limitations, we made 5 contacts before the sun passed below the horizon and before our walk down under the stars.
For the voice contacts, I brought my Yaesu FT-60 handheld, an Ed Fong DBJ-2…
Ever wanted to run DMR on a Mac? Well, you can, and it works well.
A demo of Winlink running on a Mac with a Signalink USB using Parallels and Windows 10 Home.
A list of things you can do to become more proficient with operating Winlink.
This video is a quick demonstration of using the WOAD Winlink client for Android.
A demonstration of using one computer as a central "Winlink Radio Hub" for other computers on the AREDN network.
This is a demonstration of an Anytone AT-D868 Radio using analog VHF frequency connected to a Mobilinkd TNC3 to receive a Winlink message via VHF packet.
If you own a Pi-Star hot spot, you know that you can use your phone as an internet connection. But did you know that you can directly wire the phone to your hotspot?